Our Ophthalmology Team provides consultation, assessment and treatment of all eye conditions, including the provision of refractive surgery.
is a leading provider of specialist eye care – including eye surgery, cataract surgery, eye examination, diagnosis and treatment of all eye conditions.
We offer expertise in cataract and lens-based refractive surgery and we welcome patients with cataract, as well as those who are short- or long-sighted before they develop cataract. In particular, a focus is placed on the provision of individualised care by offering multifocal and toric lens implants.
ppointments at the Cardiff Bay Cataract Clinic are available weekly, with no waiting lists for consultation or theatre.
Our Outpatient eye clinics and day case eye surgery unit provide expertise and high quality care for patients with conditions of the eye. Treatment is quick and simple allowing many patients to return home on the same day.
Ophthalmology is the study of the structure and function of the eye. Our Ophthalmologists diagnose eye conditions and eye diseases, and treat patients who have them by prescribing medications or performing eye surgery.
We have probably serviced every Family and Household in Cosplay Costumes Kuwait during the our 20+ years of service.

Dr. Sami
The First Consultative Ophthalmology
Fellow of the Royal College of Surgery
fellow American General imformation academic Ophthalmology
Executive Board Chairman and Director General